The Spirit of Jesus is working in our church. Our focus is increasingly more external and this is bringing vitality to our congregation. Walking started something this past summer that just continues to grow. We have discovered that God can do much through us if we will trust him and work together. I've stared calling this approach to life Grass Roots and Mustard Seeds. We need the faith of the mustard seed and grass roots cooperation.
One our our newest SS classes is made up of some very young professionals. They are in the process of raising money for some compassion projects in Meridian. They have developed a t-shirt design and will be selling them soon. The FBC logo will go on the front and the Grass Roots and Mustard Seed design will go on the back. Sizes will range from youth extra small to adult 3x+. They come in blue and white. These t-shirts will be the official volunteer shirt for the Playground for Jesus (DaMinista) event this month. Youth sizes are 12.00 and adult sizes are 15.00. Pre-order today by contacting me - matt@fbcmeridian.org. Thanks!
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