I love this photo. It's a picture of my grandmother teaching my son how to fish. I like it because I deeply love both of those wonderful people and because it reminds my of my calling as a Christian minister. Ephesians 4:12 reminds the church that God gave pastors, "for the equipping of the saints for the work of service." We are called to teach, prompt, and support God's people in the work of the Kingdom. Sometimes you wonder if you are doing any good. I was reminded this morning that remaining faithful to this calling results in God honoring service.
Turning on the radio for my drive to work I heard one of our church members talking about a community ministry that he is leading. He spoke with passion about how God has been at work in his life. He mentioned other young leaders in our church and how God was working in them as well. He spoke of "pew power" and challenged other churches in our community to get outside. He said that he has experienced God in amazing ways as he entered the community to serve in the name of Jesus. I was blown away. His testimony was really about a conversion experience. He said for ten years it was all about coming to church and learning. Serving has changed his life. He sounded like a Deep South Darrell Guder. It was awesome.
Over two years ago we decided to pour missional theology into the church. We were very intentional about this. We taught and taught and then we acted. We canceled Sunday evening services in the Summer and challenged SS classes to serve the community. New ministries have been born and people have been renewed. I have a new confidence in the pastoral calling. If we will devote ourselves to empowering and supporting the pew God will do beautiful and surprising things.
We will celebrate Christmas in two days. We need to thank God for what he and did and ask God what he is doing. Now is the time to join in. Let's teach fishing, learn fishing and by all means fish.
"Follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
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