Pilgrims on the Amarillo Trail

I got back from a mad dash road trip last night. Here's the early morning coffee scribble about it -

Darin Davis and I are becoming friends. I prayed for friends when we moved to Texas and God has really shown out. We've met some truly wonderful people. Darin is one of the best.

One of the common things about good people is they know a truck load of other good people and  want to share them. Darin's roots run deep in the dirt of the Texas High Plains. Amarillo has a decent share of good people, many of them friends to Darin. We drove up this week to share a little life with a few of them.

I'm thankful for Howie Batson of FBC Amarillo. We had breakfast and he was interested in our lives and work. He offered good advice and his cell phone number. One of the marks of a good leader is the desire to invest in others. Thanks Howie. I'll be calling.

We also met with Dr. Winfred Moore. Our church family loves him and it's clear why. He is a larger than life character yet a pilgrim and student at 91. I found him curious, a good listener, brave with his confessions, and insightful. He knows how to confer the blessing. He blessed me. We all need mentors, peers, and proteges. I'm glad God dishes them up in his good time. It's one of the chief ways the church finds her voice.

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