Off the Record

I intend to include a weekly commentary on the Baptist Record on this blog. The Baptist Record is the Journal of the Mississippi Baptist Convention. The Record includes both news and commentary. I generally have something to say about it all.

SBC Exec. Comm. drops 10% CP goal
The Record leads with a BP story about the drop in Cooperative Program goals. The CP has become a continuous issue in the SBC. The shift in missional philosophy in many local churches is seldom discussed in regard to this issue. Many churches are taking a more active role in personally supporting missions (see chapter 12 of Stetzer and Putman's "Breaking the Missional Code: Your Church Can Become a Missionary in Your Community").The mess at the IMB and NAMB will, I believe, further lead to the erosion of the CP.

Welch announces retirement
Bobby Welch, pastor of First Church in Daytona Beach will retire after 32 years of ministry. We wish Pastor Welch blessings in his retirement. Our church uses FAITH with what I call the, "McRaney qualifier." Professor McRaney wrote, "Memorized presentations can be helpful to the witness but not because he will make a complete presentation. Learning a presentation or gospel outline will provide those who witness with additional confidence as they enter and provide direction to the evangelistic dialogue." Thank you Pastor Welch for providing this additional confidence for many Christians.

See you in Greensboro
Editor William Perkins' piece deals with the end of the post- takeover, "pax Southern Baptist." He contends that there will be "fireworks" at the SBC for years to come. He identifies, "a fledgling group of young pastors ready to mount a challenge to what they see as the iron-fisted tactics of the grayheads now in charge." He has identified my tribe. As one of the fledglings, I have two fears. I fear that we young missional Baptists will become what we struggle against. The end does not justify the means. Let's be sure to humble ourselves before God while promoting missional issues. My second fear is that healthy dissent will be crushed under the banner of "unity." We must resist the professional temptation to, "love human praise more than the praise of God" (John 12:43 NLT).

Distracted by cheap stunts and Where was story?
Dr. Carl White wrote both a guest opinion and letter to the editor. "Brother Carl" is a former writer for the Record and might have been feeling a little nostalgic this week. He's also my parent's pastor. White charged the BP with being AWOL on the recent NAMB issues and suggested that an unofficial, group of powerful pastors was really running SBC agencies. DUH! (I sometimes feel nostalgic too).

Trusee Burleson to battle IMB leaders' ban
I thought the most telling bit of reporting in this BP piece was Hatley's quote, "I'm sorry, you'll have to close that microphone. I need to recognize Clyde to come and give his report." The "pax Southern Baptist" exists only because of the leadership's longstanding ability to, "close that microphone so Clyde can speak." Well, Wade Burleson and many others have blogs that can not be silenced and hearts for reformission. I'm with you Wade.

Speakers Tournament champion implores, 'Take up cross'
A young woman named Carrie Kirk won the 2006 Speakers Tournament. The Record published her "speach" in full. Young women often do well in this state competition. Our daughters do prophesy. What a wonderful testimony to Pentecostal grace. Preach on girl!

1 comment:

Bro. Rob said...

Thanks for the review, Matt. It's very helpful, since down here in the woods of Mississippi, I won't receive the Baptist Record until Friday or Saturday!

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